Re: Bug#14366: terminfo entry for "xterm" is broken
> I veto that idea on grounds of over-complexity.
I agree.
> xterm entries. One is "xterm", which is what's currently "xterm-old" in
> ncurses-term. The other is "xterm-debian", which is the new one. I ask the
Errr, I think that's bad. It ends up making debian *more* distinct,
with no real value.
I think this is just an education issue -- I didn't even *know* about
xterm-old until I saw this thread, and it solved the problems I was
having from other systems (so did set term=vt100, but xterm-old is
correct :-) After all, one *wants* the new xterm entry when coming
from any Xfree86 3.3 or X11R6.3 or later system, which will eventually
be most of them.
Maybe there's a helper script we could write that would make it easier
for people who are having problems (I'll note that I haven't been
getting any bug reports about this...)
>debian X maintainer to hack xterm so it defaults to TERM=xterm-debian, perhaps
>only when running a local shell. (M.E.: Is this possible?)
mm, you could mean "when DISPLAY is :0" or "when there is no -e
command argument"; either hack is possible, but I don't think either
is useful. (I personally tend to put up xterm's automatically and
then run rlogin or telnet later -- and in that case, I want a TERM
entry that will work on the remote system... or at least I want it to
be consistent, so I'm not surprised when I *do* add an xterm -e to a
menu somewhere.)
In summary, I don't think we actually have a *bug* right now -- just a
user-education issue. I don't think "dumbing down" the xterm entry is
advisable, keeping the older entry explicitly as a -old entry makes
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