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Re: mentors for new maintainers

On Thu, 30 Oct 1997, Igor Grobman wrote:

> While cleaning up my inbox, I was reminded of the idea that was brought up a 
> while ago.  The idea of "mentors" who would help new maintainers to get 
> acquainted with the project.  The idea is that the new maintainer would be 
> assigned a mentor when he applies for an account on master, and would be able toask "mentor" any questions he wants to.  

I like this idea alot.  Speaking as a new "almost" maintainer (am going
through the steps now), I know there are alot of things that I'll
encounter that I won't be too sure if I should ask here or just bang my
head on the docs a little more.  Already, in the process of starting a
package, I've run into some logistical issues that I would prefer to
resolve one-on-one with someone rather than bring them up here.

Also, speaking from first-hand knowledge, it can be a bit intimidating
posting questions here.  Not that anyone here makes me feel uncomfy, but
there are alot of people who have been doing this a long time and that
experience gap often keeps the newer people silent when they probably
should be asking questions.


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