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mentors for new maintainers

While cleaning up my inbox, I was reminded of the idea that was brought up a 
while ago.  The idea of "mentors" who would help new maintainers to get 
acquainted with the project.  The idea is that the new maintainer would be 
assigned a mentor when he applies for an account on master, and would be able toask "mentor" any questions he wants to.  

This will eliminate most of the "newbie" questions on debian-devel.  It also 
allows the newbie maintainer to ask the "stupid" questions without being 
afraid to waste the bandwidth on a public list.  These questions do not have 
to do directly with packaging, but also pertaining to some ideas which might 
have already been discussed in the past (like "let's rewrite dpkg in C" 
proposal due to be out soon :-) ), or questions about the list structure, 
"who is who" among developers etc.

Last time, everyone seemed to agree on this, but Fernando (who volunteered to 
coordinate) disappeared.  This time, I'd like to step up, and, no I don't plan 
to disappear :-).


Anyone who would like to be a mentor, please email me.  I do not think we need 
many.  5-10 people would suffice, I think. 

Proudly running Debian Linux! Linux vs. Windows is a no-Win situation....
Igor Grobman           igor@debian.org                 igor@digicron.com 

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