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Re: * Formal call for the removal of Dave Cinege *

psycho@paranoia.com (Dave Cinege)  wrote on 25.10.97 in <[🔎] 199710252027.PAA11897@primus.paranoia.com>:

> If you feel what Bruce is doing if fine and good please say so, but please

Usually, it is.

> don't brush me off or call me a liar. I can substantiate eveything I have

You may not lie (consciously tell untruth), but what you're saying is at  
least a gross distortion of the truth.

> said in this email, and in fact most of this has be publicly made clear by

You can give your arguments - in fact, you have done so over and over.  
Interestingly, they seem to convince very few people. They don't convince  
me, either.

> Bruce. It is obvious to all what is going on except to those that *choose*
> to turn a blind eye it it.

Yes, indeed. what is going on is that you continually spout nonsense and  
irritate everyone.

Since it is so obvious, I must assume that you are doing this  
purposefully. Whatever purpose is behind this, it cannot be what you  
repeatedly assert - that you want success for the project. Even you must  
have noticed by now that what you are doing, is only detrimental to the  

> If you are in agreement with Bruces actions show the character to admit why,
> or please remain quiet.

What's to admit? He's mostly doing what he should be doing, something that  
cannot be said of you.

Go and do everyone (including yourself) a big favour. Find another  

MfG Kai

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