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Re: Non maintainer upgrade - xproc

In article <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.96.971023185932.17280A-100000@heorot.cks.com>,
David Welton <davidw@cks.com> wrote:
>After staring at a black and white xproc and seeing that nothing new was
>being uploaded, I decided to have a go at making somethign that works.
>However, I have some questions.
>First of all, I dont see any diff file... What does this mean, that the
>upstream procps is made by a Debian person, or that it is packaged badly?
>Is it because of this that it does not have a 'debian version'?

There was some confusion about who really was the upstream maintainer
of procps. The original was done by Michael K. Johnson, but after he
stopped maintaining the package there were a couple of different versions

I have the idea that the Debian maintainers started to build a new procps
themself with all kinds of added features.

However Michael didn't like this (he said the code was a mess) so recently
he has taken up maintenance of the package again, and has just released a
new official procps. It's probably best to base newer versions of the
debian procps package on his version again, even though at this time the
official version is a bit less featurefull then the debian version.

   Miquel van      | Cistron Internet Services   --    Alphen aan den Rijn.
   Smoorenburg,    | mailto:info@cistron.nl          http://www.cistron.nl/
miquels@cistron.nl |       PTT's Het Net: Surfen in de gootsteen!

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