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Non maintainer upgrade - xproc


After staring at a black and white xproc and seeing that nothing new was
being uploaded, I decided to have a go at making somethign that works.
However, I have some questions.

First of all, I dont see any diff file... What does this mean, that the
upstream procps is made by a Debian person, or that it is packaged badly?
Is it because of this that it does not have a 'debian version'?

I only made one little change that enabled it to compile - now what shoudl
I do?  It seems to function quite nicely, but is it worth it to do a non
maintainer release?  Besides the -m optin to buildpackage is there
anything I need to do?

Scuse all the questions, but I'd like to make sure I get it right.


David Welton                          http://www.efn.org/~davidw                

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