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Re: unofficial package repository and the bugs system

From: "Larry 'Daffy' Daffner" <vizzie@airmail.net>
> If people want to make maintained and supported packages,
> then they should join the Debian lists, and become an official
> maintainer. It's not that hard. If someone packages up something for
> their own convenience and wants to make it available to others who
> might find it useful, and don't care to hear about it. they dump it in
> user-contrib. Remember this is an UNOFFICIAL repository.

I agree. I said before I don't expect to see much stuff pop up here.
Perhaps that is not true. I see it as a home for "abandoned pets". That
is the sort of package that someone puts together but then doesn't want
to maintain. If they are important enough, they will get a real maintainer.
At least Debian tries to maintain its orphans.

Another question: are we obligated to protect the name-space for third-party
packages? For example, someone makes the non-debian package "foobar" available,
and a Debian maintainer then decides to issue a "foobar" package (assume it's
the same software, that will usually be the case). Is the Debian maintainer
obligated to change the name?


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