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Re: User-contrib, up-to-date stable

[please do not CC replies to me]

On 22 Oct 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> Hi,
> >>"Paul" == Paul Seelig <pseelig@goofy.zdv.Uni-Mainz.de> writes:
> 	And please understand it from the point of view of a group
>  that is trying to make the transition to libc6: it is hard enough to
>  do that, and we do not have the resources to simultaneously run a
>  libc5 version. How do you think that should be resolved?

Some sort of 'current' distribution - a more complete bo-updates, would be
nice.  I suppose that resources are a bit thin, but... many packages would
be pretty easy to debianize on libc5 machines...

I believe we do need to do something, as there are many people who care
far more about having a *stable* distribution than upgrading central parts
of their system.  These people may, however, want to add a program here or
there, as long as it's nothing crucial.  For example, here at work, I
really cant' be running development systems.  I would, however, like to
show off the gimp as a cool linux tool, but it is looking like a real
hassle to make it work due to inconsistencies.
> 	Demanding a solution may not always work. Or labelling
>  essentially a free service as unacceptable. (I, too, thought that
>  your post came across as being slightly rude, so sorry).

I don't think anyone is demanding a solution.  I think Paul has
volunteered his time to help maintain some of these libc5 packages, and is
pushing for a user-contributed site so that we can have a central
repository for them.  

After having read the various arguments for and against user contrib
stuff, I find myself more or less in agreement with the idea that our way
of doing things is superior.  However, it seems to me that we are not
filling a need.  Maybe it's not your need, maybe it's not a need of many
developers, however, it does exist, and instead of argueing this point, we
should try and come up with the best solution we can given our resources.

Maybe a libc5 computer could be made to autocompile packages?  Or just
made available for others to work on...

I might be able to donate some time on my computer here at work - possibly
during the non-work hours.

David Welton                          http://www.efn.org/~davidw                

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