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Re: User-contrib, up-to-date stable

>>"Paul" == Paul Seelig <pseelig@goofy.zdv.Uni-Mainz.de> writes:

Paul> It completely escapes me why it should be nonsense to not want
Paul> to take the risk running a complete system in cutting edge mode
Paul> when one only needs to run a few up to date packages which would
Paul> run regardless of any cutting edge libc version on 'stable'.
Paul> Please try to understand how it is seeing this from the point of
Paul> view of a non-developer and how a typical only user might see
Paul> the situation.  A user is interested in up to date versions of
Paul> certain packages because they provide new benefits and it is not
Paul> reasonable at all to have to upgrade major critical parts of an
Paul> already well running system just for making a package from
Paul> 'unstable' work.  From a user's point of view this should be
Paul> very understandable and not at all impolite.  Not everybody is
Paul> as brave as you've obviously been! ;-)
	And please understand it from the point of view of a group
 that is trying to make the transition to libc6: it is hard enough to
 do that, and we do not have the resources to simultaneously run a
 libc5 version. How do you think that should be resolved?

	The way it is set up, people may just download sources from
 hamm, if they are sure the packages would live happily on bo
 as well, and try ./debian/rules binary. If that works (producing a
 deb file), and they just feel lucky ;-), they can upgrade the package

	Or else they find someone who does this for them.

	Demanding a solution may not always work. Or labelling
 essentially a free service as unacceptable. (I, too, thought that
 your post came across as being slightly rude, so sorry).

 It's all very funny until someone loses an eye.
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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