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Re: Samba: from inetd vs. daemon

Eloy A. Paris <eparis@ven.ra.rockwell.com> wrote:

: I'd like to get feedback from other Debian developers regarding
: what's the best way to run Samba: from inetd (as it currently is) or as
: a daemon.

Well, I think it's enough, I have received enough comments from several
developers (thank you :-)

I think the best approach here is to have the postinst script _ask_
the user how he/she wants to run Samba: as daemons, or from inetd.
The other scripts (prerm, postrm, etc.) should handle their functions

If there are no strong objections I'll start working right away

Oh, one last thing: Samba depends on libpam0, libpam-util and libpwdb0 which
haven't been ported to libc6 (my understanding is that the maintainer is quite
busy). The only thing that forbids a libc6 Samba package is that
these packages aren't ready. Is there a problem if PAM support in the
Samba package is dropped while these packages are upgraded? Please don't
flame me, it's just a question...

See ya.



Eloy A. Paris
Information Technology Department
Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9431645

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