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Re: What about a user-contrib directory? [was: Re: uploads for bo (was Re: Non-free libc5 packages??)]


	There has been a lot of talk about user contributed packages. 
 What are the reasons that we may want to do so? It seems to me to be
 another in a series of efforts that, are like a new local TV series
 where the heroine (dharma) exclaims "For you it was love at first
 sight, and now we are together you want me to change totally?". In
 other owrds, now that Debian is getting popular, there are waes of
 people who like it, and try to totally change the project. I do think
 change is important, people, but do realize that gratituous change
 may well cost us what made us succesful in the first place.

	Speaking personally, one of the things I like about this group
 is the commitment we have all _demonstrated_ for free software. This
 spirit, this commitment, this act of volunteering, is a basic part of
 Debian, no less important than the DFSG. 

	I realize that is not what some other people want. Debian,
 unfortunately, can't be all things to all people.  If people do not
 care to become part of Debian, I do not much care if they can still
 contribute. Sorry. I do feel responsible to the users of my packages,
 but that is mostly pride in my craft. 

	I have already heard on this list that people thought that the
 Debian cntrib directory was like the red hat contrib directory, and
 packages in which usually do not install, and it would be prolematic
 installing them as root. Whatever the merits of that report, it seems
 inevitable that the quality of these uploads would be suspect.

	One of the things I like about debian is the quality of the
 software, add the user contrib area, and the reputation will be
 tarnished with every trojan horse or buggy package uploaded
 there. Espescially if the uploader really do not care to follow
 debian-devel as being to tedious. *Baaad* idea.

 One problem no one has mentioned is that of warez people filliing up
 the directory with their own sources; so a user contributed directory
 requires supervision, and hence, work by a volunteer.

	Let me get this straight. Some people, who do not care enough
 to join the project, but want unpaid volunteers to work to enable
 them to feel good by uploading packages?

	I am totally for "unofficial" package repositories, and as
 long as some "unofficial" person or persons step up and provide the
 resources for them. 

	Becoming a Debian package manager is not hard, a trife tedious
 maybe, but not hard. In *my* book, the Debian project is not
 closed. But there are criteria to becoming a devolper (or else the
 phrase Debian project would have no meaning, if one couldn't
 distinguish what is and is not a part of it). 

	Another reason offered is that Debian may become more popular
 if this were so. Possibly. Popularity comes way down on my scale of
 important things, far lower than quality of the distribution. (I
 prefer to leave popularity contests to Microsoft).

 typing this in a canyon of boxes, with the roof torn aprt in the
 living room, the bedroom unpainted, and the sheet rock person
 missing, but (thank the lord) back with his umblical plugged on line
 Colson's Law: If you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds
 will follow.
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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