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Re: I intend to stand for the project leadership

On Sun, 28 Sep 1997 05:37:06 -0400, ioannis@flinet.com wrote:

> Do you consider it troublesome to answer questions put to you?
> You intend, as you say, to come forward as a project leader; well, suppose
> I were to take hold of you as you were about to ascend the platform, 
> and were to ask you: "Ian, if you were in a battle, in whose army
> would you rather participate, in a company with a wise general, or with
> a foolish one? And if you were ill, would you rather have as a wise
> physician, or an an ignorant one? It should easy to answer. 

What the hell are you talking about?

> And yet, when you declare that you want to be the Debian Director, and
> you are going to attend to manage and restructure an organization
> would it be right to ask if you are superior programmer, or if you are
> inferior one? No, for this would seem ridiculous. Instead, we
> should inquire about your management skills: what is your education,
> who were your teachers, and what companies you have administered. 
> I should suppose that you will be able to answer questions of this sort. 

Maybe some of us don't want to see Debian managed like a company???
Being a good programmer with experence in managing software projects is 
most important. If I wanted final decisions made by some 'suit' I wouldn't be 
using Debian or Linux for that matter...
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