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Re: I intend to stand for the project leadership

On Mon, 29 Sep 1997 10:49:51 -0400 (EDT), Sue Campbell wrote:

Sue, you forgot to CC to the lists....I won't trim any of it for this reason.

>> Sounds like well needed impovments to me....
>This will probably fall on deaf ears, but I'll try anyway.
>Also, this is not directed directly at Dave; he just
>happens to be lucky. :)
>Even if you don't agree with someone it doesn't help
>anyone by making comments that hurt them. You must
>remember that how you say things is often more important than
>what you say.  The statement above is a good example. I'm sure
>it wasn't directed as a stab at Bruce, 

Aha! But it was....

>but think about how one
>could easily interpret it: Bruce's management style
>leaves a lot to be desired and I'll be glad when someone
>else takes over.


>During Bruce's tenure, Debian has improved tremendously. Our
>relations with the CD manufacturers has never been better.
>He initiated the Open Hardware and Official CD programs.
>Our user base is increasing at a nice rate.
>So he made a few mistakes along the way. I'd be willing to
>bet there are only a handful of developer's that would have
>would have accomplished half as much.
>If people spent more time in going forward instead of
>criticizing, a lot of the problems we've seen over the last
>year wouldn't have occurred in the first place.
>Although this has focused on the leadership debate. I'd like
>the following to be followed more often.
>When writing about sensitive issues a good rule of thumb is
>to ask yourself, "would I say this to them in person".

Me? Bruce? Together? Sounds like more opportunity for biting and blood shed 
then a Mike Tyson fight.

My problems with Bruce has been a result of the mans character, and not 
directly his managment skills. You can feel safe in always assuming I mean 
the worst when I say something relating to Bruce. I hope this sets you mind at 
ease.  : >
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