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fakeroot a solution for multi-architecture building?

We have the problem of keeping packages up to date in multiple
architectures. A i386 package is updated and then the maintainers for
other architectures have to download the package and manually build it for
the other architectures.

With fakeroot there is a way to securely build packages without
risking some trojan horse in the debian/rules or similar things.

Maybe we have a chance here to make sure packages are available in
all architectures ASAP after the initial release by the primary

Could we do the following:

1. We have a list of machines that are able to build packages
   on i386, alpha, sparc and m68k. These are equipped with tools for
   for automatic package building.

2. As soon as a package is moved into the dist by Guy it is
   checked if it is has already been ported to other architectures
   in prior releases. (A list of packages that can automatically
   be build for other architectures essentially)

3. If other architectures exist the source package is sent to
   those machines having the ability to build for other architectures.

4. Those machines automatically try to build the package for the new

5. On success automatic upload to master

6. On failure an automated bug report is filed against the package with
   the output of the failed build.

Certainly not all packages will work that way but we could work on
perfecting this system for all packages so that all architectures
are always up to date. If a primary maintainer does some changes
that break other architectures then he will get a bug report immediately
and can fix things.

We need to begin with a small list of packages that are gradually

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