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alpha machine for debian?

i've been told today that i can have a unix box on my desk alongside the
<censored> NT box that i have to have.  it'll be my personal workstation
so i can run anything i like on it.  i thought it would be a good idea to
have an alpha box so that i can help with the debian alpha port.

any suggestions on what sort of machine to get?  anything that i should

i'll have around $3000 (australian $, not US) to spend..maybe a little
more.  i figure on 128MB RAM or more, and at least a gig of disk, and the
fastest CPU & motherboardi can buy.  fortunately, there's no need to spend
any money on a monitor since I already have a good Mitsubishi Diamond Scan
17HX on my desk (just need a monitor/keyboard switch box). 

advice would be appreciated...i've never had much to do with alpha boxes



ps: what's the current status with debian alpha?  can it install itself
yet, or do i need redhat installed first?

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