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Re: RPM (Was Re: Deity project schedule problems)

>>"Enrique" == Enrique Zanardi <ezanardi@noah.dfis.ull.es> writes:

Enrique> That's the point. We use interactive scripts to configure the
Enrique> packages as soon as possible. RH uses non-interactive
Enrique> scripts, installs every package in a default (perhaps
Enrique> unusable) state and the sysadmin has to configure them after
Enrique> finishing the installation.

Enrique> Their method allows unattended intallations/upgrades, but the
Enrique> services may be down until the whole intallation/upgrade is
Enrique> finished and you reconfigure them to suit your needs. Our
Enrique> method doesn't allow unattended installations/ upgrades, but
Enrique> the services are down only a few seconds. Right?

	Well, there is an additional point here, that is, the scripts
 also provide hand holding and are easier to use (I am thinking

	sendmailconfig asks a bunch of questions which are intelligible
 to the novice; and then edits the m4 file as needed, then creates
 sendmail.cf, runs aliases, etc. I won't even consider manually
 editing sendmail.cf again. (or having novices faced with hacking up a
 sendmail.mc, even).  

	 And there are other issues; locking fies, restarting daemons,
 etc. The maintainer scripts make configuring a UNIX box look easy. 

	I used to manage several dozen university UNIX machines for
 the univ of mass. Configuring the machines was time consuming, and
 there were more possibilities of errors doing things on the fly.

	Are trying to make Debian for wizards only? 

	The alternative is to provide the helpful scripts and have the
 maintainer sit and configure the machine, package by package, hoping
 the order is right, and hoping that nothing is forgotten, while the
 machine is crashing around their ankles. Faugh. And no time is saved,
 anyway, if thos scripts have to be run by hand (on a potentially
 broken system, to boot).

Enrique> So there's no good in telling half the story ("See? RH
Enrique> scripts are not interactive") if one doesn't think about the
Enrique> pros and cons.
	Precisely. I think you dismiss what the maintainer scripts do
 too easily. 

ObFUD: I have been on an Ultrix Box with the mount failed, and
 no editor working; and having to fix rc.local using cat and
 grep. Because it installed the library kit in a broken state. Ultrix
 too asked all questions up front.

ps. Pretty good FUD, eh?

 "You know why there are so few sophisticated computer terrorists in
 the United States?  Because your hackers have so much mobility into
 the establishment. Here, there is no such mobility.  If you have the
 slightest bit of intellectual integrity you cannot support the
 government.... That's why the best computer minds belong to the
 opposition." an anonymous member of the outlawed Polish trade union,
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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