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Re: Mailing lists and confidentiality

In article <[🔎] 87k9g7sxht.fsf@tiamat.datasync.com> you wrote:

:  We are now discussing, in effeect, why we have debian-private.


Personally, I don't really see any value in having debian-private exist.  It
gets used way too much for things that don't need to be done outside of the
public view, and there's no reason that the project leader can't snarf the 
list of current maintainer email addresses if he/she/it needs to send some
announcement to all the maintainers off the -devel list.

If some of the recent discussions on debian-private had been held on a public
list that is widely archived, folks might have taken a few minutes to calm 
down and temper the tone of their messages before hitting the send key...


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