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Re: RPM (Was Re: Deity project schedule problems)

-> All right. Now we're seeing some real technical discussion of the
-> differences rather than just the usual "better dead than red" talk.
-> Maybe we can learn something.
-> The point I am making here is that we should all be clear on what is to
-> be gained and lost by sticking with dpkg/dselect. It's OK for us to stick
-> with it, as long as we understand our reasons for doing so, and those
-> reasons are more than just dogma.
-> 	Thanks
-> 	Bruce
-> -- 
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-> Bruce Perens K6BP   bruce@debian.org   NEW PHONE NUMBER: 510-620-3502

strictly from a "user's" point of view, the first time i ran 'dselect'
i found it to be one of the most confusing and non-intuitive interfaces
i've ever encountered.  fortunately, as i understand it, dselect is
simply the front-end to 'dpkg', and 'dpkg' i find just as easy to use
as 'rpm'.  knowing this, from a user's perspective, leave dpkg alone,
but overhaul dselect.

as far as the technical merits of dpkg vs rpm, i will refrain from
commenting since i don't know enough about the internals of either.

Andy Kahn  (kahn@zk3.dec.com)        Phone: 603-884-2557 (DTN: 264-2557)
Digital Equipment Corporation        Fax  : 603-881-2257

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