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Re: RPM (Was Re: Deity project schedule problems)

> 150% superior sollutions, and you can't improve RPM because
> RedHat makes very sure it's proprietary.

Two common myths.  (1) The RPM organization *is* seperate from redhat,
and it *has* been improving (the current release has a lot of
important features that aren't in the Maximum RPM book, if that's your
reference.)  The process is more open than people seem to think.
(2) While I agree that dpkg is superior in many ways, it's way behind
in unmodified-source packaging, signing, and file checksums, just to
name a few examples. 

So don't dismiss the idea out of hand, *especially* on the basis of
beliefs that have no basis in fact :-)  Get out there and take a look
at the alternatives.  At a minimum, you'll get a better perspective on
dpkg; maybe even find ways to improve it.

			_Mark_ <eichin@kitten.gen.ma.us>
			The Herd of Kittens
			Debian X Maintainer

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