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Re: Deity project schedule problems

Bruce, I think you're way out of line here.  You have no standing to
say off your own bat whether or not the Debian project will take Deity
or not.

I think that we as a whole should take this decision if and when the
Deity team releases it, and if at that point they still want to keep
their list closed we can always treat them as upstream authors.

If you still want to make this decision yourself by fiat I shall
propose to the board the following motion:

 The board resolves that no decision about whether to ship Deity has
 yet been taken.  The board hopes that the project as a whole will
 decide this matter by consensus if and when Deity is in a much more
 advanced state of preparation.

 The board would be pleased if the Deity project were to provide
 snapshots of its source code and allow general read-only access to
 its mailing list.

I did consider sending this as private email, but on the whole I think
that washing the dirty laundry in public is better than trying to hide
it - the latter creates the impression of a cabal or something.

Perhaps there is a cabal, but if so I'm annoyed that I'm not in it :-).


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