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Re: Mail routers

On Fri, 19 Sep 1997, Peter Paluch wrote:

> I would like to ask whether there is some software under Debian Linux to
> route mail in this way:
> I have my personal computer with Debian installed on it. My  Internet
> provider also uses Debian. As I am connecting just using modem, I am not
> registrated in any DNS. But I would like to receive mail addressed to my
> personal computer (which is not-known in Internet).
> Is there any software, which will reside at my provider's server, wait
> for mail addresed to my personal computer, save it and when I'll get
> connected, it will automatically forward the mail directly to me?
> At the time, I'm using POP3, but I need to resolve this problem due to
> my school - we've got one Internet account (through modem and PPP) and
> we are not registered - just dynamical IP. I would like to create in our
> school server an account for everyone, and I would like world to be able
> to answer to addresses, which are in our school server. And this is a
> problem.

Hello Peter,

As another Debian user mentioned, your best bet is to use uucp for email. 
This is what I've got set up on my own machine at home (which has about
six or seven regular users) and also another machine at work which has
about 20 users).  With uucp, you can have as many email accounts as you
want because you administer that locally (unlike POP accounts that have to
be set up on your ISP's machine). Your ISP will have to set up a uucp
account for your system.  Your ISP will also have to set up an MX DNS
record for your system (with your machine on his network or for a domain
which you register).  If it would help, I can send you some more
information and also example configuration files that you can use as

Best regards,

Nick Busigin     <Sent from my Debian/GNU Linux Machine>    nick@xwing.org

To obtain my pgp public key, email me with the subject: "get pgp-key"

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