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dselect/dpkg-ftp problem

Hi, All

i'm having hamm and found some problem with

i have dpkg-, dpkg-ftp 1.4.9 and netstd 2.16-1

i cannot switch to ftp access method from dselect !

stas:~ # uname -a
Linux stas 2.0.30 #1 Sun Jun 1 09:14:11 EST 1997 i586 unknown

ok, now i'm choosing ftp as access method in dselect:

logname: no login name

You must supply an ftp site, use of passive mode, username, password,
path to the debian directory,list of distributions you are interested
in and place to download the binary package files to (relative to

Eg:      ftp site: ftp.debian.org
          passive: y
         username: anonymous
         password: @stas.fnal.gov
          ftp dir: /debian
    distributions: stable non-free contrib
     download dir: debian

Enter ftp site [ftp.us.debian.org]:

Use passive mode [n]:

Enter username [anonymous]:

If you are using anonymous ftp to retrieve files, enter your email
address for use as a password.  Otherwise enter "?" and dpkg-ftp will
prompt you each time.

Enter password [kriol@fnal.gov]:    

Enter debian directory [/debian]:

Note: order here is important.  Package files are scanned in order so
later distributions will override earlier ones.

So put stable before unstable.

Enter space seperated list of distributions to get
[hamm/hamm hamm/non-free hamm/contrib]:

Enter directory to download binary package files to
(relative to /var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/)

Using FTP to check directories...(stop with ^C)

Connecting to ftp.us.debian.org...

query/setup script was terminated by a signal: Segmentation fault.
(It left a coredump.)
Press RETURN to continue.

and i've got is core file:

stas:~ # find / -name core -print

stas:~ # ll /var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/core
-rw-------   1 root      1998848 Sep 22 21:26 /var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/core

can someone tell how to fix this?

As far as i understood, i can change access method
manually editing /var/lib/dpkg/cmethopt.
I would be very grateful if someone with
ftp acess will send me his/her /var/lib/dpkg/cmethopt



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