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Re: Rational for debian group accounts

On Wed, 17 Sep 1997, Jean Pierre LeJacq wrote:
>They claim it requires constant intervention by the system
>administrator to add/remove users from the many groups this approach

That's daft. If you don't try and do anything clever with it, people
get added to their per-user groups when they are created...

>> In order for several people to work in a group-writable area, the
>> directories should be chmod g+w,g+s, and the users should be using
>> umask 002.  Users are going to forget to switch umasks so we'd like
>> the default umask to be 002.  For that to be possible, each user needs
>> his own group.
>Why is the last point true?

Otherwise, all the users will be in group 'staff' or 'users' or
whatever, and the files they create in their own directories will be
-rw-rw-r--    fred   users
which is no good (writeable by all other users). So they have to set
default umask of 022, but then when they create files in the
shared-project directory which is
drwxrwsr-x    spong   projecta
the files they create are like this
-rw-r--r--    fred    projecta
which is no good, because the other users on the project cannot write
these files.

With per-user groups you get this effect where a user's files in his
own directories are unwriteable but files he creates in a shared-group
directory are writeable by other members of the group, without him
having to fiddle with his umask or permissions.

David/Kirsty 'Gotterdammerung' Damerell.     damerell@chiark.greenend.org.uk
CUWoCS President.  http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~damerell/   Hail Eris!
|___|      Hear the children scream; they shall teach them Christian values:
| | |   The monsters in their dreams. Inkubus Sukkubus: All The Devil's Men.

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