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Re: debmake's 'release'--bug or rookie usage error?

On Tue, 16 Sep 1997, Christoph Lameter wrote:

> Could be a problem with the release script. Check if the script can handle
> your package name correctly.

I'm not sure I would notice if it was handling the package name
incorrectly.  What is the easiest way to tell?  Or would it be obvious
enough for a dense person such as myself to notice? :-) 

I just realized that I forgot to mention one detail: the new version uses
an epoch number to indicate the fact that version 11sep97 is newer than
18apr97.  So it really is 1:11sep97.  But the epoch number is only
indicated in the control files.  Is that correct?  I tried to work in a
source directory that was actually named "xmorph-1:11sep97", but that
seemed to break other things.

Oh, and I did update using uupdate (in case that matters).

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