Re: Adding Binary Files to a Package
On Tue, 16 Sep 1997, David Engel wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 16, 1997 at 09:31:47AM -0400, Brian White wrote:
> > Since the image can't be created through command-line stuff, I've done
> > what someone else suggested: uuencode it. I extract the binary from
> > that. Crude, but it works.
> If/when we ever update the source packaging, I'd like to see this
> problem as well as others addressed. One idea would be to replace the
> pkg_X.Y-Z.diff.gz file with a .tar.gz file containing the debian
> directory and any patches.
It may even contain the original .tar.gz (or .zip or whatever) file, and
a script to rebuild the debianized sources. The dpkg-source assumptions
(single orig.tgz file + single debian diffs file) work great but don't
cover all the diversity the upstream authors are using.
Just my 1/75 $ (= 2 Ptas.) :-)
Enrique Zanardi
Dpto. Fisica Fundamental y Experimental
Univ. de La Laguna
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