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Re: xlib6g/xpm4 fun

>I installed xlibc6g today to resolve some dependencies. Unfortunately, it
>broke even xdm! (First xdm got in a loop, even not seeing its configuration,

Ahh, yes, I see, with the -5 control file it would actually let you do
that.  I think the conflicts/depends in -6 are set up correctly to
force you to do the right thing; -6 is building as I write this.  

As for the overwrites: please, especially when testing upgrades like
this, *take notes* or better yet cut&paste the list; I *do* care,
there shouldn't be any conflicts.  (For example, xslib and xslibg
conflict all over the place -- because I completely botched the
directory locations for xslib!  I don't think I saw any conflicts with
xlib6 and xlib6g -- ahh, I bet you have to install the new xlib6 (to
move stuff "out of the way") and *then* xlib6g.  That makes sense, and
I *think* the new conflicts take care of that; we'll see shortly...

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