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Re: trouble making a package [another howto?]

k.  Still having trouble with deb-make,  but getting there slowly.
I've read all the packaging manuals, but I'm still getting some weird
errors.  Here's the list of steps I've found which seem to work ok.
Please let me know if this is *wrong* or needs modification,  so I make
sure I'm doing it right.

        1) Untar sources into $prefix/packagename-version.number/ (in this
                case, clisp-1997.08.07/) hereafter called $clisp
        2) cd $clisp and do "deb-make" to
                a) make $prefix/clisp-1997.08.07.orig directory containing
                        unmodified source,  etc.
                b) generate $clisp/debian directory
                        containing various files (copyright,  etc.)
                        which will need to be modified.                  
        3) edit $clisp/debian/rules "build" section  to properly compile
                the package. In my case this required a few intermediate
                steps (with each depending on the output of the previous),
                so I was better off just compiling the thing by
                hand.  I gather that this is frowned upon,  as it's
                difficult for others to follow later.
        4) set up $clisp/debian/* files including control,  changelog
                (via 'dch'),  copyright.  Any directories that the
                program's installation will affect should go into the
                debian/dirs file, one per line.  Eg.:  clisp puts an
                executable in /usr/bin,  some memory images in /usr/lib/lisp,
                and a manpage in /usr/man/man1, so each of these             
                directories is listed (one per line) in the "dirs" file.
        5) from $clisp,  run "sudo debian/rules" if you're using it to
        6) set up $clisp/debian/rules "binary-arch" section to install the
                files into $clisp/debian/tmp.

                At this point you should basically have a complete working
                copy of the program and its required (to be installed)
                files installed in a "fake filesystem" with /usr/,
                /usr/bin,  etc,  where / is $clisp/debian/tmp.

        Question:  Is this the point where I should copy other files that
        the makefile doesn't install (eg. extra docs) into this new "fake"
        tree? Deb-make does this as part of one step by making the
        assumption that the makefile installs the package correctly.  If I
        want to make changes,  I should do it _now_,  before
        dpkg-gencontrol runs,  right?

        7) from $clisp do "sudo build" to create the package.


Good Idea: 	Feeding Stray Cats in the Park.
Bad Idea:	Feeding Stray Cats in the park ... to a bear.

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