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Re: Debian Releases (was: Show me the money)

> > Moving it under "project" doesn't restrict who can use it.  That directory
> > should already be available to everyone.  It just makes it less visible and
> > thus less likely to be used by someone not in the know.
> The README in the bo-updates and bo directories make it eminently
> clear what is there.

It won't make any difference.  It should be as obvious as possible what
its purpose is without that.  Its affordance says "bo updates" in a
far louder voice than the readme says "bo untested".

affordance: the perceived properties of the thing, primarily those
fundamental properties that determine just how the thing could possibly
be used.  (from "About Face" by Alan Cooper and "The Psychology of Everyday
Things" by Donald Norman)

                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )

       Touch passion when it comes your way.  It's rare enough as it is;
       don't walk away when it calls you by name.  -- Marcus (Babylon 5)

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