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New developer - mercury package.

Hi folks,

After talking with Milan Zamazal <pdm@fi.muni.cz> the current maintainer
of the Mercury package (devel/mercury-0.6...), I'm intending to take over
maintenance of that package sometime soon. 

A few questions...

Firstly, would any of the current developers in Melbourne, Australia, mind
verifying my identity to sign my PGP key? If so, please email me.

Secondly, the new Mercury release has a number of 'extras' such as a
Tcl/Tk binding and an interface to Togl (an Open GL Tk widget).
Because Togl has a slightly weird license, and the extras add some
dependencies you don't need for the Mercury compiler, I'm thinking of
making them a separate package. Would this package then "recommend"
packages you might need to use the extras? (some of the extras don't
need anything, some need Tcl/Tk, some need Mesa, etc).

       Tyson Dowd           # "We're English here, and we're going to do
                            #  Christmas properly. Well, unless
     trd@cs.mu.oz.au        #  there's a Bond film on, obviously." -- Richie 
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~trd #  Bottom : Holy.

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