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The TWIN stuff from willows

I initially offered to pack up TWIN (the recently GPLed ms windoze emulator)
but I have not yet gotten it to compile under glibc.  I have sent in some
patches to the developers, but I never finished the job.  If somebody wants
to carry on with packaging it (or even wants to pack it up against libc5) 
please feel free to carry on the torch.  I have been busy recently doing some
general cdrom driver cleanup/reorg for the 2.1.x Linux kernel, and I have
gotten tired of trying to get twin to compile under libc6.  Anyway, interested 
parties should check out http://www.willows.com for information.  It compiles
just fine under libc5...  I guess I was being too much of a purist. [GRIN]


Erik B. Andersen   Web:    http://www.inconnect.com/~andersen/ 
                   email:  andersee@debian.org
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