Re: Link to Japanese Debian?
On Thu, 31 Jul 1997 Sven Rudolph wrote:
> Fabrizio Polacco <> writes:
> > Thanks to Michele Dalla Silvestra <> Debian has the
> > resque disk almost fully translated in Italian
> > (
> > and now I'm trying to push this effort upstream to Sven's boot-floppies.
> >[...]
> > This is not the easiest thing because most script should be rewritten in
> > a language that accept localization.
> Right. Michele's disks don't follow these principles, so it makes no
> sense to integrate the manually edited dinstall into the boot-floppies
> package. I won't keep them in sync.
ash scripts are hard to localize.
I've done a quick work to have installation disks in italian for
Debian 1.3, but for Debian 1.4 or 2.0 I'll use a better system. At
the moment I've modified only some file in the resc1440.bin floppy,
keeping original drv1440.bin and the whole base system.
> The italian floppies as distributed know make a good interim solution,
> but I don't want to get involved.
> And we need some way to cooperate on one package. I don't want to
> integrate twenty languages via e-mailed patches. A central CVS
> repository were nice ...
The problem is the limited size of the installation boot floppy, that
cannot keep all the language (it is possible to enlarg root.bin, put
in it all languages and remove unused languages after starting
A bootable CD can use a 2.88Mb floppy image (I think). The problem is
for 1.44Mb floppy.
PS. Im not subscribed to debian-devel. Is it a problem?
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