Re: Summary? Re: source dependencies - and recomndations
On Thu, 31 Jul 1997, Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:
> Vincent Renardias wrote
> > Source-Depends: java-bytecode-compiler
> >
> > So it can be either Sun's JDK or guavac on i386, while non-i386 arch. will
> > have no choice than guavac.
> what happends you compile a package with flex, and everything works ok,
> but you get strange bug reports from other people. it could take a lot
> to figure out, that they use a version compile with lex, and this is the
> source of the bug. (i don't know lex and flex. the example also works
> with jdk and guavac).
Good point!
There are several packages that compile with byacc, but don't with
bison... I should have though about it. *sigh*
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