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Good night everyone!

As requested on debian-user I have written a dpkg-checkpackages which
reads some Packages files and checks for its integrity.  This should
prevent CD manufacturerer from broken archives.

It includes the following tests on every package in our Packages

  . Existance of package .deb
  . Existance of msdos filename link (can be suppressed by --msdos)
  . Same size
  . Same md5sum

If there is a mismatch it is written to stdout otherwise you won't see
a line (unless adding --verbose).

I'd like to have this script included in our distribution of dpkg.

Please take a look at it and tell me if you have any problems with its
use.  You'll find the script on ftp.infodrom.north.de in
/pub/people/joey/debian as dpkg-checkpackages.

Thanks and have good night,


  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 /                              No question is too silly to ask, /
/    but, of course, some are too silly to answer  -- perl book /

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