Re: Rob Leslie's packages
Johnie Ingram <> wrote:
: Okay, I'l take on deliver and convert it to the new source format
: since it needs that badly. I'm not crazy about maintaining it
: permanently though because I don't use it at all -- the sendmail in
: hamm allows procmail to be used instead. :-)
Well, I am also using Sendmail with procmail instead of deliver. Since
you are maintaining Sendmail I would recommend you make Sendmail dependant
on a virtual package called "Local mail delivery agent". This is because
since I am using procmail as my local delivery agent, deliver is installed
just to satisfy dependencies, for nothing else. Then procmail, deliver
and any other local delivery agent should provide the virtual package
"Local mail delivery agent". Of course, sendmailconfig should know
what's the local mail delivery agent that the user installed.
I don't know how to do this but I guess it can be done, it's just a
suggestion... Let me know if I can be of any help.
Regarding the use of procmail as the local delivery agent, I am using
bo's Sendmail, not hamm's. What I did was to make these changes to my
FEATURE(local_procmail, /usr/bin/procmail)
define(`LOCAL_MAILER_ARGS', `procmail -Y -d $u')
These lines are just before the line with
Eloy A. Paris
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Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
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