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Re^2: Link to Japanese Debian?

Am 29.07.97 schrieb jim # jimpick.com ...

Moin Jim!

JP> My feeling is that the current structure of the "main" Debian
JP> project is very English-oriented -- so it probably isn't suitable

That's a reall problem in my opinion. In Germany there're a lot of  
distributions like SuSE, Unifix or DLD that offers a installation  
procedure in German language. And the most beginners really love this  
distributions for this feature.

JP> I'd like to see the "main" Debian project provide some more support
JP> for such "satellite" distributions.

We should start to include foreign package descriptions in the control  
file for important languages like Spanish, France and German. Be should  
set up teams for this translation work. The package maintainer could send  
his English description to a mailing list and will get a translation from  
every team.

cu, Marco

Uni: Budde@tu-harburg.d400.de      Fido: 2:240/5202.15
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