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Hmmm... I have my gd package (unfortunately non-free because of GIF
handling...) almost done - that is it's up and ready BUT linked against

That's my problem: is it posible for me to install _some_ of packages from
ustable (libc5, libc5-altdev, libc6, libc6-dev, locales, ldso, gcc, cpp,
binutils, libfd2.8.1, altgcc - anything else?) on a 1.2 system (or at leas
on 1.3 system) and not break it? My home computer isn't connected to Inet
in any way, so it'd be quite hard for me to upgrade to unstable now :^(


PS. Oh... and another tiny question. I try to do something about the
creation of xzx package (xzx is a ZX Spectrum emulator - I don't remember
myself seeing it in unstable). There's loooooooooooooot to do (it goes
nuts on my Debian 1.2 running on Cyrix 6x86, altrough I remember running
it on 0.96R6 running on Inter 486 - don't know yet if it's related to
hardware (processor) or software (libs?)), but I think I can ask this now.
Xzx can emulate Spectrum sound using /dev/audio or PC speaker (i386 -
there's no problem with other platforms ;^) ). The question is: which
method should I choose? PC Speaker sounds _better_ (yes!) and would run on
every PC - but it requires xzx to be suid root. /dev/audio doesn't need it
and is compatible with other platforms (compatibility is not a problem
really - I can buid different sound setups for different platforms anyway)
- but it sounds worse... So - which one should I choose when it comes to
creating it?

 (___)  | Pawel Wiecek ------------- <coven@pwr.wroc.pl> |
< o o > | http://www.ists.pwr.wroc.pl/~coven/            |
 \ ^ /  | finger coven@lb.ists.pwr.wroc.pl for PGP key   |
  (")   |  * * *  To err is human, to moo bovine  * * *  |

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