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Re: non-debian kernels -- bizzar?

In article <[🔎] 874t9d1ktc.fsf@tiamat.datasync.com> you write:
>>>"Francesco" == Francesco Tapparo <cesco@mizar.debian.novare.net> writes:
>Francesco> Another solution is create a kernel virtual package, and
>Francesco> set it as required. Every kernel-image-xxx would provide
>Francesco> this package. Then you can remove the kernel-image packages
>Francesco> with the option --force, and a newbie would be pretected
>Francesco> against mistakes.
>It already does that. The virtual package kernel-image is
>provided by all kernel-image-X.XX packages.

Some thoughts on this from me (I do use the kernel-package). I think
that the impossibility to remove the kernel should only happen when
you are removing the last package that provides kernel-image (overridable
with some --force option of course). The post-rm should then make sure
that the /vmlinuz symlink (or possiby the image that lilo uses) points
to an existing kernel image.


 -- Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Anders Hammarquist   |          This space          | iko@netg.se
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