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Hosed my debian system.

I think I have done something rather stupid. I have been waiting for 
the libreadlineg2 package to appear so I could configure gdb. I found
it last night and decided to install it. What I didn't notice was that
there was a new libreadline2 package as well. I tried to install 
libreadlineg2 and it said it conflicted with libreadline2 so I did the

dpkg --purge --force-depends libreadline2.

This worked fine so I tried to install libreadlineg2 and it failed
in the post-install script. I tried to run it by hand and found that
the script core dumped because bash was now core dumping. I could no
longer ftp to get the new libreadline2 because it core dumped as well.

I have a second installation of Linux so I thought I would just move
to that one and ftp the appropriate file. I could not shut down the
Linux and had to power cycle. All worked fine before I did this. I had
just finished moving to Hamm. Now I can't log in because I get an
error message that utmp cannot be found. 

Is there an easy way to correct this?? I don't want to do a complete
re-install because this takes about 2 weeks of constant ftping. So
if there is a simple way to fix it I would appreciate some guidance.

Consequently I was moving to hamm to become a developer again. I was
one about a year ago but had to stop to complete some school work.

Thanks for any help

Dale Miller

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