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Non i386 packages (Was: Re: non-debian kernels -- bizzar?)

>>"Goswin" == Goswin Brederlow <goswin.brederlow@student.uni-tuebingen.de> writes:

Goswin> Me being being a newbie installed the debian kernel package on
Goswin> my m68k Debian. After some tries I gave up, cause the code is
Goswin> totaly out of date when it comes to other architectures.

	The discussion is really about the kernel-image-X.X.XX
 packages, but I'd like to say that there is discussion going on
 behind the scenes to provide non-i386 source packages, (possibly as a
 patch to the canonical kernel sources). The kernel-package script
 make-kpkg maybe made aware of these patch files.

Goswin> Altough I had a 2.0.29 kernel running and the 2.0.30 package
Goswin> installed (which saved me a lot of trouble removing that (for
Goswin> non i386) totally useless package), but it still failed to
Goswin> remove itself. It complained about subdirs not being empty a
Goswin> lot of times.

	The non-i386 source package does not look for
 installed/running kernels. (that part is only elevant to kernel
 *image* packages).

Goswin> I tried to configure and build that kerenl, so there were
Goswin> probably a lot of .o files everywhere in the tree and it
Goswin> didn't remove them and then of cause failed to remove the
Goswin> dirs. I removed the dir manually then without checking what
Goswin> was left, so I can't tell for sure.

	This is a dpkg issue (anyway, you should run make-kpkg clean
 to get better results). 

Goswin> May the source be with you. Mrvn

Goswin> PS: I found that the docs concerning how to build youre own
Goswin> kerenl are also purely for i386. Is there anybody actively
Goswin> working on the kernel and on the documentation?

	I thnk Linus Torvalds and company *are* actively working on
 the kernel and documentation.

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