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Re: Bug#11569: ncurses-term: backspace does not work after upgrade

Joey Hess wrote:
> Hm. Well, I've noticed it affecting me with the following programs:
> pine (version 3.96L-2, libc5)
> pico (version 3.96L-2, libc5)
> ncftp (version 2.4.2-1, libc5)
> screen (version 3.7.2-5, libc6) -- programs running under screen have this
>   problem. For example, mutt works ok normally, but not under screen. Same
>   with joe and zsh.
> dselect (dpkg version, libc6)

I don't use pico and pine.  My ncftp is home-built and linked against
libc6, but that shouldn't make a difference.  I don't know enough about
screen to diagnose the problem.

But dselect _should_ _work_.  I have exactly the same packages as you,
and it works for me without any problems at all.  I'm running the
standard 3.3-3 xterm, with TERM set to xterm, and it works.  Why won't
it work for you?

I am very confused right now.  Straw poll--how many other developers
with 1.9.9g-3 installed are having these problems?  If it's only Joey,
perhaps something unrelated has gone wrong.


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