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Re: non-debian kernels -- bizzar?


	I think I should clarify this a bit. Firstly, I am the one who
 responded to Joost, and I maintain the kernel-package package, (I
 don't maintain the Debian kernel packages themselves).

	I think that if someone installs a kernel-image-X.xx package,
 than they quite likely do not want to remove that image, especially
 if that is the same version as the kernel that is running.

	This is to help the novice user, who may end up in a situation
 that the machine is unbootable if they accidentally remove the
 running kernel, but also, I don't know if Joost has considered the
 effect of de-populating his /lib/modules/<current version> directory.

	Finally, the kernel hacker shall just change the exit 1 in the
 prerm into an exit 0; a tad icky, i agree, but how often does it
 happen that one installs a kernel-image-X.XX package in error anyway
 (and do not use the Debian standard packaging for the kernel at all)?
 So it is not that the package is indelibly stuck (and Joost has to do
 it anyway, it is too late for any kernel-package changes to affect

	The question arises: how often is this scenario going to
 happen? Is is worth catering to this rare case (likely to happen to
 an experienced hacker who can quite easily get out of it), and
 dilute the protection for the novice user who can get into trouble? I
 think that people using the standard packaging methods are by far the
 norm when you consider novice users.

	Also, I am not convinced removing modules from
 /lib/modules/<version> is safe for someone who accidentalyy installs
 a kernel-image package. 


ps. If you are confused, this discussion arose because Joost does
 not use kernel-image-X.XX packages (either from the distribution, or
 custom built), but did install a kernel-image-X.XX version (which
 happened to be at the same level as the one he was using), and the
 package refuses to un-install since it is the same version as the
 running kernel.	

pps: I think the correct spelling is bizarre.
 I like the future, I'm in it.
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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