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Re: Diety UI draft

SirDibos writes:
 > Could some "time-stamp" be included, so if a Packages file hasnt been
 > updated since the last "fetching", it wont be redownloaded?  Also, this
 > "Packages" busines...  How can I have more than one?  Could we have it
 > named Packages-1.3, Packages-1.2, Packages-devel, so it matches the
 > various versions of debian?

For this you might want to take a look at dpkg-ftp_1.5.1 (in
experimental); however, you won't like it if you're paying for phone

I sent a patch to Klee (against 1.4.9) allowing timestamp check, thus
addressing your 1st point. For the 2nd one, I currently use the
following as /var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/vars:

$distribs='hamm/hamm hamm/non-free hamm/contrib';

Then I can have as 'Packages' files:


BTW, support for 'experimental' is also included in my patch;
I may mail it to anyone asking for it.

To Klee: do you plan to release a 1.4.x including this patch ?

Yann Dirson <dirson@univ-mlv.fr>


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