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Re: Bug Reporting system

On Jul 27, Goswin Brederlow <goswin.brederlow@student.uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:
> I've abandoned the architecture maintainers, cause to many people/thinks
> speak against it. And from the above you can see that bugs would be send
> to the REAL maintainer and to the debin-arch list. The i386 guys
> wouldn't be bothered by bugreports on the m68k kernel, install disks and
> many other thinks on base that isn't working right. There where many
> mails about bugs on the debian-m68k list and nearly non in the bugreport
> system. What do we have the bugreport system for if other archs can't
> use it properly?

Ok, I may have missed the point. You're talking about *packages* that
are architecture specific. But in that case, the maintainer *is* working
on your architecture, so again, I'm not sure I see the point.

Except that perhaps we need a separate name for those few packages. 

> Yes, most of the time it's just some stupid little bug in the
> dependencies or wrong version. User who experience this problem can't do
> a bug report (because it's not a bug of the i386 source)

Aaah, but there is no such thing as "the i386 source". It's simply a
bug in the source. 99.x% the packages in the system are supposed to be
source compatabile across all the architectures.  If the dependencies
are wrong for one architecture, then they are wrong, period. It's up to
the source maintainer to get them corrected. It should be possible for
the people "maintaining" the binaries for the other archs to grab the
source, run the build, and be done with it.

> the guy who has compiled the package, has the source and knows it (at
> least a bit) and you can't expect beginers (who probably use a unix for
> the first time in there life) to download all the developement packages
> and the source over there 14.4 modem, compile and build a package and
> upload it again.

Well, no, I don't expect Unix beginners to download everything and
fix a package, over any speed connection. I also don't expect Unix
beginners to be able to distinguish between architecture specific bugs
and architecture independent bugs. Just report the problem, and let me
worry about it.

(And for the record, when I started working with Debian, I *did* use
a 14.4 modem, through the snow. Uphill. Both ways.)

If we're going to modify the bug system, let's do something globally
useful, like priorities.


The Mole - I think, therefore I scream 

			    "The year is 2989.	New York City has become a
			     melting pot for humans and various alien races.
			     Blind dates are a real crap shoot now."

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