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Re: Diety UI draft

Two questions about the diety project:

1) If you ask to do an ftp install, and it needs to download a huge 
amount of files, will diety prevent you from filling up the partition 
/var/lib/dpkg/ftp/debian (sorry if this is wrong, I'm not at my box).  
Also, can it warn you if it gets too close to doing this.  Also, a 
gracefull recovery in the event that you do fill up the harddrive would 
be nice.

2) Could an estimated download time be displayed at the bottom as you 
select packages.  This would require an addition to a preferences box 
where you give you connection speed.  I know it may be a bit late to add 
this, if so, it can wait till 2.1.

Other than that, it looks great.  My redhat friends will be jealous :-)


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