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Two fixed bugs with dinstall

[I sent this to debian-devel-announce, but it doesn't appear to have
made it.  Does that list not exist any more?]

Two annoying bugs came up with dinstall while I was away that bit many
of you.  Both were trivial to fix naturally.  :)

The first bug involved looking for the .orig.tar.gz.  dinstall parses
any .dsc files you upload and checks that the md5sums match.  Most of
its distribution-specific rules are driven by a big database, and I
had forgotten to tell it that .orig.tar.gz files for the `updates'
distribution might also be found in the `bo' distribution.  So lots of
uploads to stable were inadvertantly rejected.

The second bug was dinstall's unclean handling of non-i386 packages
destined for stable or frozen.  It knew that that they should actually
go to hamm, but it still tagged the whole upload as `confirm', meaning
that someone has to install it manually.  It should have installed it
automatically as part of the daily run.  Brian was rejecting these,
not realizing that dinstall would actually do the right thing.  Now
dinstall knows to install this automatically.

Unfortunately files automatically get removed from REJECT after 2
weeks, so some uploads that got rejected by these two bugs were lost.
I checked what's in REJECT now and installed anything affected by bug
2, and moved to Incoming anything affected by bug 1 (for Brian to
install manually).

So... if your upload never made it, and it's not currently in
Incoming, I'm afraid you'll have to upload it again.  And of course,
you don't need to reupload .orig.tar.gz files again if they are
already in bo.


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