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Re: What's next ?


  Linh> I've packaged ce-4.3. It's a extremely small and lighting fast
  Linh> emacs-clone. 

Sounds good. 

  Linh> The lsm said it's PD but the copyright in the tar says it can't be
  Linh> sold. 

That means it can't be part of the main distribution, but has to reside in

  Linh> The question is: Is there a place for users' .deb files ???  Some
  Linh> place for contributions from non-developers.

We don't do things that way. You are however cordially invited to join the
Debian and to officially maintain 'ce' (as well as other packages). Ask in
private email if you have questions.

Also, as I presume that you're in Ottawa: you can even meet with other Debian
developers (behanw@verisim.com, bcwhite@verisim.com).

Cheers, Dirk

edd@debian.org  edd@rosebud.sps.queensu.ca  http://rosebud.sps.queensu.ca/~edd
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