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Re: source dependencies : virtual names

On Wed, 23 Jul 1997, Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:

> what about only using virtual names for al libraries :
> name used	package
> libc-dev	libc6-dev
> ncurses-dev	ncurses3.4-dev
> libtiff-dev	libtiff3-dev

 Why don't we just rename the packages to those names?

 Think about it. You can only have one of them installed (if you need a
libc5 you'll need an *-altdev name). And, as we see now, if a package
depends on ncurses development files to compile, it doesn't care about
which version. So I think it would be more natural to use unversioned
names. This has also the advantage that it's always better handled the
replacement of packages with the same name than with different names.

Nicolás Lichtmaier.-

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