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Re: Should packages depend on cron?

Scott K. Ellis <storm@gate.net> wrote:
> Anacron works well with cron to make sure that the cron.* scripts get run
> at reasonably regular intervals, even if I turn off my machine.  It
> doesn't replace the granularity of cron useful for other tasks, such as
> queuing mail and news delivery while the machine is up and so forth.

Anacron is fine for a machine that is typically left turned off
(provided the machine is left on long enough to run things properly).

I suppose we might want cron on these systems, just for paranoia's
sake.  But there really isn't a graceful way of interacting with the
user to determine when it's ok to run cleanup stuff.  [And, booting
from battery, you really want things to be quick and simple.]


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