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Re: Should packages depend on cron?

On Wed, 23 Jul 1997, Scott K. Ellis wrote:

> On 23 Jul 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> > 	Does anacron work for people who do have their machines up all
> >  the time? can it be used to replace cron entirely? Is it stable?
> Yes, no, and yes.
> Or to elaborate, anacron is a package that, when run, will check each of
> the jobs in its config file and check if they have been run within the
> number of days specified.  If not, it forks them to run in the background,
> otherwise it *exits*.  It needs run again, usually at system startup and
> perhaps within a cron job that happens once a day.  For example, here are
> my crontab and anacrontab files:
[helpful example snipped :-)]

I think I see an idea forming.  Put anacron in recommended or more 
appropriate area.  Set it to run the daily,weekly,monthly scripts at 3 or 
4 am when no one should be on a server that's always on.  Put it in the 
boot up scripts for personal machines that aren't always on.  Finally do 
something to fool anacron into getting back into a weekly, monthly 
routine (i.e. a server that has been shutdown for a weekend will run the 
weekly scripts on sunday and not monday, when the 7 days would normally 
be up).

This lets servers and personal systems use the default debian setup for 
crontab entries, and handles unexpected shutdowns with ease.

Does this sound good,

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