Re: update: autocompiling working
On Jul 19, Joey Hess wrote
> Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:
> > joost fixed the last known bug, and autocompiling is now running very
> > fine on my machine. i started this morning compiling all bo 1.3.0
> > sources, and every third package compiled fine till now.
> Where are the autocompiling scripts available from?
currently only via email from me.
i plan to rewrite them (add pipelining and lot's of additional stuff).
> I have a source mirror on my machine, and gobs of disk space, so I'm willing
> to help with this autocompiling, however, my machine doesn't have too good a
> net connection (128k isdn), so I don't think it's sutable as one of the main
> autocompiling machines. Still I want to do my bit to make this work.
cool. that's enough to start.
> What packages have you sutocompiled (and reported bugs if it doesn't work)
> so far?
ok 260 failed 345 total 608
bo has about 640 (source) packages, so in 1 h, if compiled them all.
but i used my bo 1.3.0 cdrom, and hamm has several new versions with
libc6 bugfixes.
i didn't write many bug reports now, it far too much work for one person
to look at all files. (and with old versions, it's useless. e.g. i
filled a bug report against sed, but the new version was already fixed :-(
you need for auto compiling:
1.) bugfix for debstd :
< chmod 644 $2
> if [ -d $2 ]; then
> chmod 755 $2
> else
> chmod 644 $2
> fi
2.) fakeroot 0.0-5c (currently in alpha, available from joost :
3.) libc6 development kit's from hamm
4.) get libc6 version from incoming, or compile them yourself :
bash perl gzip tar gawk (bash requires ncurses, perl requires
libgdbm) dpkg
my scrips and a readme are appended to this email.
i didn't write support for a source tree now, i did a
ln -s /cdrom/stable/source/*/* Incoming/
on my system ...
i will rewrite the scripts in perl and/or make.
regards, andreas
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